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Location : Home > WHEEL ALIGNMENT

SDS-995 WHeel alignment

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2017-10-31 04:25:34  Views : 1180

Product Description: double 500 milion cameras structure,electronic control camera beam can automatically trace the targets, aluminium stand column,one body cabinet, 32‘‘ and 22‘‘ double LCD monitor, which is convenient for the the operator to adjust the vehicle.   

Function: four wheel alignment, two wheel alignment, signle wheel measurement, Camber, Caster, KPI, Toe, Set-back, Thrust Angle, adjust steering wheel,

 Toe lock adjustment, Toe curve adjustment,max.steering wheel measurement, Axis offset measurement,wheel base measurement, wheel offset measurement,tread measurement,rolling radius measurement, scrub radius measurement,Camber at zero toe measurement,lift measurement,ride height measurement.

Standard Configuration:

1.1 X camera beam assembly

2.1 X aluminium automatic lifting stand column                

3.1 x one body cabinet on stand column

4.4 X 3D clamps

5.4 X mini targets 

6.2 X turntables 

7.2 X rubber block

8.1 X steering locker

9.1 X pedal locker 

10.1 X assistant camera   

11.1 X remote control 

12.1 X PC,32‘‘ monitor and printer

Packages (TOTAL: 3 PACKAGES, GW: 210GK, NW:160KG)

2850 X 270 X 285 MM,1020X820X1440MM, 2650X330X410MM

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